Photography by Alice Rosati, Styling by James V. Thomas, Selection from Issue N°I
Featuring poetry from Mario Stefani's piece, "A DEBITO DALLA VITA" (Debt from Life). Mario Stefani was an Italian born (Venice, 1938) poet who left our world in 2001. He was one of the first openly-gay Italian poets and writers, and famoulsy said that Venice without a bridge would make Europe an island.

Thijs, left, wearing a vest from Cerruti 1881, underwear from HOM, and socks from Falke. Quentin is wearing vest and trousers from DSquared2, and socks from Falke.
Oh l’alabastro del tuo corpo
le mie mani inquiete di desiderio
sulla tua carne
quanta luce
i cieli di quel giorno
e il tempo parve incurvarsi su di noi
e i sorrisi si distesero nella gioia d’aprile.
Oh the alabaster of your body
my hands restless with desire
on your flesh
how much light
the skies of that day
and time seemed to bend over us
and the smiles spread out in the joy of April.

Quentin is wearing a dressing-gown from Charvet, and sandals from Manolo Blahnik.Thijs is wearing a shirt from Gucci.
La tua voce che rapida viene a me
è quel grido a sera di gabbiani
è quella spiaggia sommersa dal mare
e il ricordo che si è fatto conchiglia
non è che la mano in cui io vorrei dormire.
Your voice that swiftly comes to me
is that cry of seagulls in the evening
it is that beach submerged by the sea
and the memory that became a shell
it is only the hand in which I would like to sleep.

Jacket and trousers from Dries Van Noten. Scarf from Charvet.
Inseguimi nei sogni
andremo alla deriva dei desideri
poiché nulla è più bello
di essere naturali
sembrando diversi.
Follow me in dreams
we will drift from desires
since nothing is more beautiful
to be natural
looking different.

Thijs wearing a shirt from Gucci. Quentin wearing a dressing gown from Charvet.

Thijs wearing underwear from HOM. Quentin wearing a suit from Acne Studios, a scarf from Charvet, and slippers from Manolo Blahnik.
Il silenzio della notte e il buio del giorno
siamo così fratelli di un momento d’attesa che muore
spesso quasi come muore la speranza del gabbiano
nella laguna assopita di nebbia
la tua voce mi giunge lontana ed è solo solitudine di noi stessi
forse in un punto vivere o morire è lo stesso
se nei corpi nostri non sentiamo più ciò che gli altri
a noi ci dicono a voci alterne e mai sopite dall’oblio del tempo.
The silence of the night and the darkness of the day
we are so brothers of a waiting moment that dies
often almost as the seagull's hope dies
in the lagoon slumbering with fog
your voice reaches me far away and it is only solitude of ourselves
perhaps at one point living or dying is the same
if in our bodies we no longer feel what others do
they tell us in alternating voices and never dormant from the oblivion of time.

Quentin is wearing shirt and sweater from Lanvin, trousers from Ami Paris, coat from Y/Project, tie from Charvet, socks from Falke, and shoes from Dries Van Noten. Thijs is wearing a sweater from Missoni, jacket and trousers from Lanvin, vintage Helmut Lang glasses, and shoes from Acne Studios.
Photography assistants: Valentina Bizzarra and Cosimo Fanciullacci, Styling assistant Livia Rossi, Grooming by Chiao Chenet assisted by Heitai Cheung, Casting direction by Jordan Mergirie, Models : Quentin Demeester from Success Men, Thijs Claassen from City Models.
Sky Blue
Est. 2019